Summer 2024

June 10th - August 23rd

We run at a 1:3 staff-child ratio with up to 12 kids a day. Wild Onion believes that outdoor education should not come at the expense of comfort, and will offer indoor alternatives at public spaces or museums on severe weather days. 

Drop-Off Program

9:00 am - 2:30 pm

Ages 4-10

M, T, W, Th, F

$70/Day + registration fee

Drop-off programming for two overlapping age groups: ages 4-7 and ages 7-10.

Ages 4-7 Ramps Romp and Play will be oriented towards imaginative and exploratory play focused on social and emotional learning.

Ages 7-10 AdventureScapes will be oriented towards adventurous skill building, assisting others and outdoor leadership.


For Ages 1-3

must attend with a caregiver who can provide direct supervision. 

$20-$50 sliding scale rate

We understand the fluidity that comes with raising toddlers. You will be welcome to join us any day that works for your schedule on the weeks you sign up for.

see registration form for more details.

Community Time

Community is core to our existence, in addition to the spaces the children share with each other, we will hold an intentional space every day for people from the community to connect with one another and with the playworkers.

If you or your child desire any specific accommodations to make this program more accessible and enriching please contact us at